The Mighty Thor

Quote1 I die... as does Asgard... but remember... I will live on in... in... you... Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

Main Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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Synopsis for 1st story

In 1939, Loki, the Frost Giants and the Nazis attack Asgard, killing many. In the present, James Braddock talks to Thor and wants to know not if he's really a god, but if he will do the right thing. Back in 1939, Odin punishes Loki by putting him in the Room With No Doors, and then Mammoth kills Odin. Enraged, Thor begins attacking in a furious frenzy.

Solicit Synopsis

Thor’s thrilling origin continues! Betrayal rocks Asgard as predators breach its walls! Will Thor be able to protect his home and prevent Ragnorak? Or are some things just inevitable? Rockstars Jonathan Hickman and Carlos Pacheco take you on an epic tale of duty and destiny that spans decades and worlds. Don’t miss the adventure that started it all!

See Also

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