The Mighty Thor

Quote1 A true immortal goddess! In all the centuries I have walked this Earth, never have I known such pristine power and alluring beauty. She must be mine! I shall enfold her sensuous form within my arms and bring her naked neck unto my lips... and then with one dark kiss the crimson blood of a goddess will be mine! Quote2

Appearing in "Blood of a Goddess!"

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Synopsis for "Blood of a Goddess!"

Lt. Timpano and Keith Kincaid confront Don over Jane Foster's disappearance, but he refuses to talk. Reasoning that Kamo Tharnn's staff holds a clue to why Sif hasn't become Jane while on Earth, Thor flies to New York and learns that the staff, formerly in hospital storage, has disappeared. Meanwhile, in a Chicago apartment, Dracula's cultists perform a ritual that revives him. Later, he senses Sif and her godly power, then attacks and kills three high school students. The next morning, Jerry asks Don to examine the teenager's bodies. Two nights later, Thor, planning to seek Dr. Strange's aid, visits the hospital, where Timpano asks for help. They encounter a vampire attacking a woman and kill him. Realizing he is facing a vampire outbreak, Thor arrives at Mundelein Cemetery and kills the three newly risen teen vampires. Meanwhile, Dracula visits the sleeping Sif at Don's apartment and bites her.

Solicit Synopsis

Jane Foster has gone missing- and Donald Blake is the prime suspect! Meanwhile, Dracula rises after an undead sleep. Which Asgardian has he set his sights on?



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