The Mighty Thor

Quote1 Your worthiness will be proven by your ability to lift your father's hammer. Let the hammer be your compass in guiding you to your fate. And may that fate be the restoration of man's freedom -- and the fall of a tyrant. Quote2

Appearing in "Realization"

Main Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sif
  • Hogun
  • Amora (Appears in flashback and main story)
  • Loki (Appears in flashback and main story)


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Realization"

Magni tells his hidden ally, revealed as Sif, that Jordahl has no memory of who she really is. Sif recalls just after Asgard's destruction, Sif argues for departing Earth forever but Thor decides to stay. Sif tells Thor his actions are an affront to Odin's memory and vows to fight his decision. Goaded by Loki and Enchantress, Thor banishes Sif. Sif then tells Magni that Thor would be able to cure her. As they talk mire, Sif convinces Magni to speak to his father about leaving Earth. Returning to New Asgard, Magni learns of Thialfi's attempt on Thor and the capture of Kya and Porjyst. With Thor now in the Odinsleep, Loki decides to execute the resistance leaders. Magni contemplates halting the execution bu Kya telepathically holds him off. After her hanging, Kya's spirit form comes to Magni and leads him to Mjolnir, citing his worthiness. Magni joyously lifts Mjolnir. Meanwhile, in space, Desak awakens.

Solicit Synopsis

"Gods & Men" pts 1 & 2 (of 5). The climax of Thor's reign as the ruler of Asgard begins NOW! The action heats up and the heavens tremble as all the Thunder God has built comes to ruins - and those closest to Thor betray him!

See Also

Links and References


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