The Mighty Thor

Quote1 The Lord of the Thunder Hammer is dead! Behold the new and forever master of Mjolnir! Quote2
The Destroyer

Appearing in "Whom the Destroyer Would Destroy..."

Featured Characters:

  • Thor (Appears in flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Whom the Destroyer Would Destroy..."

Thor and Jane talk to Don, and try to convince him that years have passed, but to no avail. Jane accepts an offer from the High Evolutionary to teach the Animutants while Thor takes Don back to the United States. There, he’s finally convinced that it really has been years and he’s angry at Thor for stealing his life. In Hel, Hela pulls Lorelei’s spirit from the Destroyer, and places Garm’s inside, then sends it after Thor. The Destroyer beats Thor soundly and claims Mjolnir for his own.

See Also

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