The Mighty Thor

Appearing in "Acts of Destruction"

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Synopsis for "Acts of Destruction"

Don Blake is brooding over having no career again, when he gets a call from Shawna. She asks him to come to Chicago to attend a medical seminar. Moondragon is in space, dwelling on her uncertain future as well, and decides to look in on her father Drax. Drax is in space and encounters a group of creatures and begins to attack them in the hopes of being destroyed himself. Thor goes to Avengers Mansion in the hopes of company, but finds only Jarvis. Just then, Moondragon arrives with Drax with one of the alien creatures attached to his head. Drax comes to and begins attacking everything. Thor uses lightning to remove the creature who then bets them to kill it. It's despair at a lack of purpose rings familiar to all three of them. Drax and Moondragon decide to return the creature to it's home.

Appearing in "Judgment--and Lament!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Judgment--and Lament!"

  • Synopsis not yet written

See Also

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