The Mighty Thor

Quote1 My intent is to drain your willful spirit 'til naught be left but a naked quivering and despairing soul -- which I shall clasp to my bosom as the greatest prize of all! Quote2

Appearing in "And Evil Shall Inherit"

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Synopsis for "And Evil Shall Inherit"

Seeking to torment the wandering Thor, Mephisto sends his servant of flame to contact Ulik. When Ulik forces the flame creature into his blast furnace, Mephisto seizes Horth, Ulik's brother, threatening to kill him unless Ulik defeats Thor. In the wilderness, Thor encounters a refugee Asgardian family but refuses their offer to join them on their journey. Soon after, Ulik attacks but Thor defeats him. Ulik tells Thor that Mephisto holds Horth. Thor promises to save him. Mephisto draws Thor to his realm and Thor demands Horth. Mephisto tells Thor he has already killed Horth. He then conjures Odin and sets a harpy to attack him. Thor doesn't believe "Odin" is truly his father's spirit but he defends it against the harpy. Mephisto further torments Thor, telling him Sif's love for him is dead and that the Asgardian family died in an avalanche caused by the battle with Ulik. Thor refuses to believe Mephisto, who sends Thor back to the wilderness, having secured his "moment's pleasure." Thor discovers the Asgardian family has indeed died and promises to raise a stone memorial to them. In his realm, Mephisto scoffs at Thor's vow and gloats. "Sheer spite is the sweetest nectar," he declares.

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