The Mighty Thor

Quote1 By my grave mien, perhaps you're right. My quest was fruitless. Heh--heh-heh--- Quote2
Hogun the Grim

Appearing in "Hogun's Goat"

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Synopsis for "Hogun's Goat"

Loki's magic turns Mord into a goat since he's not invited to the wedding, and Mord runs off into the woods. Sunna believes she's caught him and meets up with Hogun on the way to a magic tree. Hogun agrees to take Mord and Vilar to the tree to restore his form. Once there, Hogun needs help from Vilar and some Elves to complete the quest, only to discover that the magic fruit failed to restore Mord.

Solicit Synopsis

A tale of the Warriors Three! Hogun the Grim has a humorless run-in with a Bridge Troll... and mus later collect a groom-turned-goat before his nuptial hour's at hand!

See Also

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