The Mighty Thor

Quote1 Heh. Sword? You misunderstand, Tyr. Twilight is a sword. Twilight's Shadow isn't. it is its opposite. And that's something considerably mightier than a sword... Quote2

Appearing in "Journey Into Mystery, Part 6"

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Synopsis for "Journey Into Mystery, Part 6"

While Thor flies off to fight The Serpent, one of Mephisto's demons flies to Dark Asgard to offer Mephisto's army in an alliance, but the Tongue kills him. Opening the note he brought, he read the word written on it - "Disir", summoning them and they kill him and his guards. The Disir then open a gateway and the others come through. They fight their way to the library, where Loki pulls Twilight's Shadow and plans to write in a book.

Solicit Synopsis

FEAR ITSELF TIE-IN There's a story bartenders tell about the devil. That at closing time, he chooses a bar and walks in the door. He'll want to talk about his day. If you listen and survive, he'll give you a tip. The story isn't true, but occasionally it amuses Mephisto to play along. And when he's spent the day spying on all the earthly gods and what exactly they're going to do about FEAR ITSELF, you'll want to hear what he has to say.

See Also

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