The Mighty Thor


Ian Boothby was an unpaid intern for Darcy Lewis, who herself was an intern for Jane Foster While Lewis searched for the missing Foster and their colleague Dr. Erik Selvig, Boothby noticed Selvig on the TV news - after he was arrested for running amok at Stonehenge, in the nude, having apparently gone mad. Boothby posed as Selvig's son to release him from police custody. Outside, Boothby observed starlings flying in a murmuration vanish from the sky and reappear beneath them, proving Selvig's theory of an interdimensional Convergence. When Foster and Thor returned from Asgard, Boothby joined their efforts to prevent the Dark Elf Malekith from releasing the power of the Aether during the Convergence and destroying the universe. Boothby helped Lewis hammer Selvig's gravimetric spikes into the ground at the focal point of the Convergence in Greenwich, England, while Thor fought Malekith. During the chaos caused by the Convergence, Boothby saved Lewis' life by crushing several Dark Elves with a gravity-defying car. Lewis rewarded Boothby with a passionate kiss. After Malekith was defeated, Lewis kissed him again. Boothby and Lewis kept Foster company while she waited for Thor to return from Asgard.


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