The Mighty Thor

Appearing in "The New Labors of Hercules, part 2"

Main Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Alcmena (First appearance)
  • Hyllus (First appearance)
  • Hera
  • Deianira
  • Hermes
  • Zeus


  • Achelous
  • Eurystheus

Other Characters:

  • Jimmy
  • Robert
  • Gordon Allsworth
  • Miss Tessbacher (First appearance)




Synopsis for "The New Labors of Hercules, part 2"

Hercules is dragged before Eurystheus, who recounts his history and how he came to live again. He feels ashamed that his defeat at the hands of Hercules, since Hercules himself has fallen so low. He wants Hercules to perform twelve New Labors so that he will be viewed as a hero again. The hero that people at one time built monuments to, and sang songs about. Hercules accepts the challenge and leaves to prepare. Meanwhile, a very swiftly moving man runs into the Olympus Group building on Wall Street, and announces the intentions of Hercules to perform new labors. Needless to say, the CEO, Zeus, is not pleased.

Solicit Synopsis

Reeling from the tragic death of Thor, the Prince of Power knows his star is fading fast. So what better way to pump up his Q-rating than to relive his defining moment? When his most bitter foe - King Eurytheses - throws down the gauntlet, Hercules agrees to the challenge: Twelve Labors, each more perilous than the one before it - and each updated for reality-TV consumption. Zounds! Of course none of this sits well with Herc's father - Zeus.

See Also

Links and References


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