The Mighty Thor

Quote1 I am Thor, Son of Odin! On behalf of my father, ruler of all Asgard, I command you to cease your attack and comply with my requests! Quote2

Appearing in "The Heat of Hakurei"

Main Characters:

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Synopsis for "The Heat of Hakurei"

Traveling through the Hidden Hills, Sif and Balder give Thor the silent treatment until he confronts them. They tell him they didn't appreciate him agreeing to the quest on their behalf. Thor accuses them of wanting to refuse Odin's wishes. An argument emerges that is interrupted as they encounter Hakurei, the dragon from whom they are to steal a scale. The trio is surprised that the dragon, waiting for them, knew of their coming. They attack, but not working together, are rebuffed. Balder conceives a plan in which he and Sif attack while Thor climbs a cliff and leaps down on Hakurei, stabbing him through the snout and knocking him out. They take a scale, still wondering why Hakurei expected them. As they leave, Loki drops his invisibility spell, having watched the battle after warning Hakurei of their coming. Meanwhile, the shadowed figure continues to watch.

Solicit Synopsis

Before he claimed the throne, before he battled the dragon Fafnir, before he became worthy of mighty Mjolnir, he was simply Thor, one of many young sons of Asgard. In a saga of courage, adversity, revenge and brotherhood, Thor faces perils that will challenge his mettle as a young warrior, and trials that will test, and temper his immortal spirit. Sent on a Great Quest by All-Father Odin, Thor and a fellowship of other young godlings - Balder, Sif and Loki - face their coming of age in this epic story written by celebrated manga writer Akira Yoshida and beautifully illustrated by newcomer Greg Tocchini.

See Also

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