The Mighty Thor

Quote1 I have been many things in my long lifetime. A warrior god...a lame man...the son of a master...but throughout it all, I have remained Thor, son of Odin. My fellow Aesir will join me anon, and once we are united...we shall bring this world into the golden age it truly deserves. And woe to those who are the false brings of the world of Thor...for they shall be the first to die!! Quote2

Appearing in "The Rise of the Hammer"

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Synopsis for "The Rise of the Hammer"

Tyler Stone brings Miggy and Dana to the floating city project named Valhalla. Once there, Thor and Heimdall appear and proclaim that the gods of Asgard have returned to usher in a new golden age for the world.

Solicit Synopsis

Miguel and Dana get trapped in a city of death! When Spider-Man and Dana get invited aboard the floating city of Valhalla, a pleasure trip turns deadly as the city is sabotaged. Peter David's script will have readers begging for more!

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