The Mighty Thor
List of all notable quotes by or about Thor Odinson (Earth-8107).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Thor Odinson (Earth-8107)
The fabled Twins of the Gods.
Conversation Tail

Come on, Goldilocks. You're not really serious about this Norse Gods stuff, are you? I mean, you're just another superhero like us, right?
Conversation Tail

And your homeland, Asgard, that's just make-believe? Like Never Never-Land, right?
Conversation Tail
Thor Odinson (Earth-8107)
"Never Never Land?" *chuckles* Nay, mortal. And behold, as my enchanted hammer reveals the wonders of the realm eternal.
Conversation Tail
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends Season 1 10

All items (1)
