The Mighty Thor
List of all notable quotes by or about Tarene (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Aye -- but I wish for a more appropriate name! Hammer Girl, mayhap! Or Thorita! What say you to Hammerette? Is that not appropriate for a fellow warrior? Quote2
Thor Vol 2 33
Quote1 Ah! You are the former betrothed of Ultragirl's present lover, are you not? Quote2
Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt Vol 1 1
Quote1 There are no words left, Prodigy. No words save these three... HAVE AT THEE!! Quote2
Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt Vol 1 5
Quote1 Everyone, I have something to say. I do this not as a friend, nor as a fellow hero. Not as Thor Girl, but as the one foretold by the great sorcerer queen X'Hoss. The one destined to elevate sentient races to their maximum evolutionary potential. I speak to you now as The Designate. I have seen, these past days, true acts of selflessness and good. In fact, it's due to the bravery and compassion of one of you that I stand here restored, my path renewed. Mostly, though, I've seen an entire people made numb, dumb, petty and cruel -- all by simply succumbing to fear. I've witness the irrational and the horrifying. I've watched as, time and again, noble heroes embraced self-interest. I've seen friend turn against friend. In truth, even I have not been immune to the basest behaviors of man. Though the actions of one kind human soul rekindled my power, the burden of that power leaves me to conclude... that humanity is not yet worthy. Quote2
Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt Vol 1 6

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