The Mighty Thor
List of all notable quotes by or about James Rhodes (Earth-12311).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 You want "Have at thee" or "I say thee nay" you're in the wrong place, Boris Bullski (Earth-12311)... you got the wrong Thor. But in my other title -- James Rhodes, Grand Marshal of Technopolis, there's one thing I will say... BRING IT! Quote2
Armor Wars Vol 1 ½
Quote1 I prefer you call me Marshal. Grand Marshal Rhodes if you want to be super-respectful. I answer to Thor when Doom visits -- rare though that is -- Quote2
Armor Wars Vol 1 1
Quote1 The kid uncovered how the city got infected. Can you believe that? Why we're in armor day and night. Spyder-Man knew who did this to us. Quote2
Armor Wars Vol 1 2

All items (3)
