The Mighty Thor
List of all notable quotes by or about Balder Odinson (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 But the Warrior Madness is upon thee! It doth cloud thy brain --- thou canst not clearly think! In such condition --- thou might fall before a weaker foe --- or choose to slay --- when simple mercy would best prevail! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 166
Quote1 I seek no combat! I seek no foe. I only seek to use my steel -- to send a signal. A signal far into the sky -- for, there is but one who may help Thor -- before he is felled by Durok. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 192
Quote1 Two words, Karnilla. He spoke but two words, then perished... but if what he spoke was true, Norn Queen... then his words were the death sentence for all of Asgard!! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 256
Quote1 The hour has come, Agnar! Once more, 'tis time to take up the toys of war... and ride boldly off into the waiting arms of the fates! Quote2
Balder the Brave Vol 1 1
Quote1 You are a master with a sword, Hagen... but Balder is the master of many forms of combat... and this combat is your LAST!! Quote2
Balder the Brave Vol 1 3
Quote1 Hear me, fair damsels! Balder the Brave is no vision! The blood within me fairly burns at the sight of thy helpless plight! And I swear upon my sacred oath that I will right this wrong! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 368
Quote1 All this for a feather? Quote2
Thor: Son of Asgard Vol 1 3
Quote1 The Son of Odin has fallen. Thor is dead!! Quote2
Thor: Son of Asgard Vol 1 5
Quote1 A man who knows no enemy. A man who believes in the value of all life. A man who believes there is good in every soul. Even in yours, Karnilla. Quote2
Thor: Son of Asgard Vol 1 6
Quote1 As if Thor would let a thing as small as the law obstruct him from doing what is right... if only all of Odin's sons were he. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 608
Quote1 You are of Asgard no longer, Loki. From this day forth, if Asgardian and Loki do meet, we will hound you. And the hope of doing so will give us all new strength for this battle. And if we die today, our spirits will pursue you for all time. You are exile. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 609
Quote1 Thor is our warrior's spirit made flesh. Let the warrior that believes in a quiet life, in no danger, no adventure, and eternal existence strike Thor dead. I will even grant you my blade to do the deed. Let the quiet man among you stab our warrior's heart. I AM BALDER THE BRAVE AND I STAND AND DIE WITH THOR! Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 1 22
Quote1 I think I understand... Laussa has been operating on instinct. This war has ravaged all the realms and she took action t help end it. She did what every royal family does in times of war... she was gathering an army. Quote2
War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 5

It is good to see you again, Balder. What say we have that drink for Skurge?
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The last one through the great gate of Asgard shall pay for it!
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I accept! Let us ride!
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Thor Vol 1 369

Eric Masterson
Hoo-boy! What is that thing?
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'Tis a living essence... but something is amiss! I do not sense the son of Odin within this shroud!
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This is not Thor!
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Mephisto (Earth-616)
Of course not my dear... I never said it was!
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Thor Vol 1 453
Thori (Earth-616)
Thori smells something... evil.
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Katherine Bishop (Earth-616)
Maybe all Asgardian dirty diapers smell like that?
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Nothing in Asgard smells like that, not even Volstagg after all six days of the Debauchery Festival.
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Rebecca Ryker (Earth-616)
Death Locket
Holy $#!+!
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Katherine Bishop (Earth-616)
Exactly! Nice work, kid.
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War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 2

All items (16)
