The Mighty Thor


The Warriors Three were put on trial for accidentally killing a giant who had shape-shifted into an aquatic beast. As punishment they were sentenced to retrieve several difficult items from various pantheons and return them to the father of the dead giant. This included the sword Grasscutter from the Japanese land of the dead guarded by Mikaboshi.

Taking advantage of the chaos left by the fall of Asgard and the Norse pantheon, Mikaboshi planned to extend his influence by capturing Olympus and crushing the Olympian gods. With the Olympians defeated, Mikaboshi hoped to con all the other pantheons into surrendering. To this end, Mikaboshi laid siege to Olympus, which was very close to succeeding. Ares, still bitter about the treatment he received from the other Olympians, refused to raise a finger to help them. Desperate for his aid and wishing to goad Ares into action, Zeus had Alexander kidnapped and brought to Olympus where he was placed under the care of Achilles and his Myrmidons.

With Mikaboshi in utter control of the battle, Hermes went to Earth to fetch an enraged Ares in an attempt to get him to speak with Zeus, but Ares' only concern was his son. Relenting, Hermes transported them both to Achilles' stronghold where they keped Alexander, only to find the fortress destroyed and Alexander missing.

While Achilles was away, Mikaboshi's forces managed to destroy the Myrmidon fortress and steal Alexander away to his own stronghold in the eastern lands. Mikaboshi slowly began to warp Alexander's mind in an attempt to turn him against his father by revealing the brutal history and patricides committed by the Greek gods. Mikaboshi hoped to turn Alex into the new god of war, one that could be used against the Greek gods and, more importantly, Ares himself.

Finding out his son is in the hands of Olympus' enemies, a furious Ares begrudgingly agreed to join in the fighting, but only to rescue his son. Mikaboshi was then returned to the Japanese land of the dead defeated.

Athena of the Olympian Pantheon called a meeting of the Pantheons in San Fransico to assemble a team of gods from Earth. Mikaboshi was chosin by the pantheons of the east along with Hercules, Snowbird, Tecumotzin, and Atum the God Eater to battle and defeat the Skrull Gods Kly'Bn and Sl'Gurt. In route to Srull space through the dream realm they battled Nightmare, Mikaboshi was key in winning the battle due to being able to make dupes of himself.

Upon arriving in Skrull space the God Squad had to battle their way through conquered pantheons of gods on the way to Kly'Bn and Sl'Gurt’s thrones. Mikaboshi attacked Sl'Gurt after she destroyed Atum, both took shape of the same creatures during battle, eventually both took the form of each other. Mikaboshi killed Sl'Gurt being left by Hercules, Snowbird, and Cho who thought Mikaboshi was killed left leaving Mikaboshi to take command of the conquered pantheons.


Power Grid[1]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Multiple Types:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Virtually Indestructible:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Supersonic:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (800 lbs-25 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Genius


superhuman strength, resistance to injury, demonic mystical powers, shapeshifting, bone manipulation

See Also

Links and References


  1. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 7
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